Duration of Class : 20 hours
Availability of Weekend and Weekday slots
Certified Instructor
Flexible Schedules

Course Overview

The Measuring results from the training course will guide your team in learning the basics of evaluating your team’s effectiveness and how to help them improve their performance and boost their morale.

Once your team has mastered measuring your employee's training results, they can identify which methods and techniques work best for improving your staff productivity and which have proved unreliable. You will also be able to determine your employee's satisfaction and witness an increase in your ROI.

Course Breakdown

  • What are the training evaluation metrics?
  • Why are corporate training metrics important?
  • How to measure the training effectiveness?
  • When to Use an employee training assessment
  • Evaluating the training effectiveness
  • The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model
  • How much measurement makes sense?

  • Who should take this course

  • Training and Development Professionals
  • HR Specialists
  • Newly appointed HR Managers
  • Individuals who want to enter HR field
  • Professionals who are looking to improve their skills in training and development

  • Why should I take this course

  • Understand and see the effect on business performance and determine the training’s ROI.
  • Uncover issues in the training process and improve it.
  • Help you determine if the training benefits employees.